
Exploring the world

January 14th, 2021

#photos #writing

ADVENTURE is a beautiful word. It’s derived from /adventurus/ in Latin, meaning “about to happen.”

The most meaningful, exciting, and memorable stories from my life are when I’ve gone off the beaten path, walked around aimlessly, or just drove to random points on a map. My sister, 10 years my junior, frequently joins me on these adventures now that I’ve been at home during this pandemic. One summer evening, my sister and I went out to Snoqualmie to find this beautiful house I saw online. The photos showed a long, hypnotizing driveway on a sprawling private estate. The house was closed off, inaccessible to the public. Although I was disappointed, I knew that we could still have fun if we just explored a bit. We zipped around in our electric car until we came upon a farm.

On this farm we found so many horses, just roaming around and munching on grass. We walked up to the wooden fence as the horses would walk to us and peaked over seemingly curious as to what these two humans were up to. They were majestic animals colored in white, black, brown, or patterned skin and hair. Their large eyes and big ears almost look human. They seem so friendly and happy just eating the flora of their farm all day.

There’s something quite romantic, even poetic about horses. They’re associated with the Wild West, a sense of adventure, a sense of freedom for people who want to explore a boundless world. Horses used to be the best way to get around, especially in places where train tracks were yet to be laid down. Horses and humans have a long history, they’re probably our closest friends. That’s because they represent adventure.

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