Square root via binary search

August 24th, 2017

    * An Integer can take on values from -2^31 to + 2^31. The argument x can
    * take on values from 0 to 2^31. This means that all outputs of sqrt(x)
    * can only fall in the range of 1 to sqrt(2^31) because 2^31 is the
    * largest possible Integer input. Thus, we can limit our binary search
    * range to [1, min(x, sqrt(2^31))]

// We compute this value once by means of the standard library or a
// hand-computed number
static int MAX_SQUARE_ROOT_BOUND = (int) Math.sqrt(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

public static int sqrt(int x) {
    // Check value of x
    if (x < 0) {
        return -1;

    if (x == 0) {
        return 0;

    int start = 1;
    int end = Math.min(x, MAX_SQUARE_ROOT_BOUND);
    int flooredSqrt = -1;

    while (start <= end) {
        int middle = (start + end) / 2;

        // Faster than using Math.pow(middle, 2)
        int middleSquared = middle * middle;

        if (middleSquared > x) {
            // Our middleSquared estimate was too high so we adjust the
            // end marker down
            end = middle - 1;
        } else if (middleSquared < x) {
            // Our middleSquared estimate was too low so we adjust the
            // start marker up
            start = middle + 1;
            // If we adjusting the search range upwards, then we should
            // save the existing estimate for the square-root. By saving
            // this value here, we are essentially performing the flooring.
            flooredSqrt = middle;
        } else {  // squared == n
            // We found the square root exactly
            return middle;

    return flooredSqrt;

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