Testing Python Packages

Integration with tox and Travis CI

July 16th, 2017

#writing #engineering #programming #python #tools #testing #continuous-integration #tox #travis-ci

Completed project:

  Github source code

  Passing Travis CI builds

In my previous post, we developed a simple Python package that creates a file, somewhat similar to the touch found in Linux systems.

$ pytouch new-file.txt
$ ls

Explore the code from the previous post at tag v0.0.1 here.

You can clone the code and follow along as we explore tox and Travis CI in this post.

$ git clone https://github.com/p13i/pytouch.git
& cd pytouch
$ git checkout tags/v0.0.1 -b my-follow-along

Now, you’ll have the pytouch code at v0.0.1 ready to follow along on the new my-follow-along branch.

Testing pytouch

Python packages don’t come packaged with an expressly- specified Python interpreter. So, our package will need to rely on our end users’ interpreter. As such, we need to ensure that our package will work on multiple different platforms without issue.

tox is a Python tool designed expressly for solving this problem. With tox, we can easily specify multiple version of Python for which tox then creates a virtual environment to run Python tests. Before exploring tox, we’ll need to address some prerequisites and author the tests that tox will run.


Before continuing, let’s create a .gitignore file so that we don’t accidentally commit system-specific or auto-generated files. Please see the diff for new .gitignore file’s contents.

In the previous post, I made a small typo that we can quickly fix. On line 6 of pytouch/pytouch.py please change the 3 to 2:

6    if len(sys.argv) != 2:

Authoring tests using unittest and mock

Next, we want to actually create the tests that will ensure our main method in pytouch/pytouch.py is working properly.

Create a new file called tests.py in the root of the project. Fill in the file with this.

Assuming you are familiar with Python’s unittest framework, let’s discuss a few lines in particular:

  • tests.py:17 : @mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', ['pytouch'])

    This method decorator alters the sys.argv list to be ['pytouch'] for the scope of the succeeding method starting on tests.py:6: def test_not_enough(self):

  • tests.py:23 : self.assertRaises(ValueError, main)

    Because of the method decorator on line 17, the main function will not have access to a sys.argv list of length two causing this check to fail. Thus, we expect a ValueError to be raised.

Adding dependencies

You may have noticed that the import mock statement in tests.py is not a standard, in-built Python module; it’s located on PyPI and can be installed using pip install mock. But how can we ensure that our package has access to this library?

We can specify it as a dependency in our setup.py. Simply insert install_requires=['mock'] in the setup method of setup.py and you should be good to go. See the completed setup.py to double-check your work.

Running tests

Now, we can finally run our tests!

$ python setup.py test
running test


test_not_enough (tests.TestMainBadArgs) ... ok
test_too_many (tests.TestMainBadArgs) ... ok
test_too_many (tests.TestMainGoodArgs) ... ok

Ran 3 tests in 0.001s


tox integration

Now, we’re finally ready to test our module across multiple versions of the Python interpreter.

Create a file named tox.ini (you could use our tool pytouch tox.ini!). Add the following five lines to the file:

envlist = py26,py27,py33,py34,py35,py36

commands = python setup.py test

The envlist specifies the list of Python interpreters to run the python setup.py test command in. Here, py26 indicates a Python v2.6.x interpreter, py27 indicates a Python v2.7.x interpreter, etc.

Install tox on your system or in a virtualenv and run:

$ tox --skip-missing-interpreters

Because our host operating system may not contain all of six versions of Python specified in envlist, we provide the --skip-missing-interpreters flag so tox won’t fail when it doesn’t find a particular interpreter.

At the end of a rather long console output, you’ll see

    py26: commands succeeded
    py27: commands succeeded
SKIPPED:  py33: InterpreterNotFound: python3.3
SKIPPED:  py34: InterpreterNotFound: python3.4
SKIPPED:  py35: InterpreterNotFound: python3.5
    py36: commands succeeded
    congratulations :)

indicating that our tool works for the specific Python interpreters available on the host system. In this case, you can see that my OS has Python 2.6, Python 2.7, and Python 3.6 installed. The lack of Python 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5 causes those iterations to be skipped by tox.

But, you may note, we must test our tool on all versions of Python! We don’t know what our users will be using!

Running tox tests on multiple interpreters

We have a few options here:

  1. Install all six Python interpreters on one machine. (Sounds like a bad idea!)
  2. Use a container or virtual machine solution like Docker or Vagrant to manage an environment with multiple interpreters.
  3. Use a solution like Travis CI to run our tests in multiple environments on a managed cloud.

Running all tox tests with Docker

If you’re familiar with Docker (or want to see how this option works), continue on. If not, please move on to the Travis CI section below.

I created a Docker image with all six of these interpreters installed so we can simply pull the ~500 MB image instead of installing each one by hand and risking all sorts of unintended consequences. First, pull the image:

docker pull p13i/docker-tox

Now, within our main pytouch directory, we can simply run

$ docker run \
    --rm \
    --volume $(pwd):/app \
    --workdir /app \
    p13i/docker-tox \

to run our tox tests on all six specified interpreters.

Note that we didn’t pass in the --skip-missing-interpreters flag because this Docker image comes with all six of these interpreters installed.

Running tox tests on Travis CI

Travis CI is a great, free tool for running tests for open-source projects.

Create a file named .travis.yml:

language: python

# These are all the different versions we
# want to run our tests with
  - "2.6"
  - "2.7"
  - "3.3"
  - "3.4"
  - "3.5"
  - "3.6"

# Install this package to easily run tox
# in all these environments on Travis
install: pip install tox-travis

# The test script (as run locally)
script: tox

Commit your changes and upload to your own git repository (or simply fork the existing one). After setting up your repository with Travis, you’ll see all our tests running on all six of these interpreters. From Travis, you can also get a status badge that will help our users know that our tool works properly: Build Status

Best of luck writing your own Python-based command line tools!

Further steps

In my next post, I’ll show you how to upload Python packages to the official Python package index PyPI.

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