
A cute implementation

May 18th, 2022

In preparation for technical interviews, I implemented mergesort in C. The source on Github has an extensive set of tests. I like how ‘cute’ the code looks.

int *MergeSort(int *array, int length)
    if (NULL == array || length < 1) {
        return NULL;
    return MergeSortRecursive(array, length, 0, length);

// right is exclusive, array of [left, right)
int *MergeSortRecursive(int *array, int length, int left, int right)
    if ((right - left) == 1)
        int *result = MakeArray(1);
        result[0] = array[left];
        return result;

    int middle = (left + right) / 2;

    int leftLength = middle - left;
    int rightLength = right - middle;

    int *leftSide = MergeSortRecursive(array, length, left, middle);
    int *rightSide = MergeSortRecursive(array, length, middle, right);

    // Now merge the two halfs, k is index into mergedArray
    int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
    int *mergedArray = MakeArray(right - left);

    while (i < leftLength && j < rightLength)
        if (leftSide[i] < rightSide[j])
            mergedArray[k++] = leftSide[i++];
            mergedArray[k++] = rightSide[j++];

    while (i < leftLength)
        mergedArray[k++] = leftSide[i++];

    while (j < rightLength)
        mergedArray[k++] = rightSide[j++];


    return mergedArray;

int *MakeArray(int length)
    int *array = malloc(sizeof(int) * length);
    // NULL check here?
    return array;

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